15/3/2017 Log (Ethics, Library, Health and safety, Ann Shelton talk)
Research ethics and practice led artistic research (lecture 9am- 10am)
Tunnel it in for academic integrity - makes sure no plagerism
If using other people (performance, participation, film/doco,) research that involves people - ethics gets involved.
Artur zmijewski as an example them 2007 video, people from different groups visually dip icing their beliefs.
Gillian Wearing signs series 1992-1993 photographs.
Ethics applications
Ethical issues involving people and animals- there are people at uni to help.
The uni of auckland human participants ethics committee (UAHPEC)
Ensures all that human participants in a research project are protected (dignity, privacy, safety, heath, personal, social, cultural sensitivities).
Four principles within that:
autonomy: participants should give free consent rather than bribing or trapping them Into doing it. They need to know what they are really doing before taking part.
Beneficence: researcher has to consider how their research has study might benefit participants and or wider society.
Non maleficence: minimize risk (physical and psychological) to research participants.
Justice: ensure that their research is achieved through just means, that everything is fair.
‘nz herald: photo firm slammed for using children's photos in promo material without mothers permission’ privacy act got involved.
Processes to apply to ethics is on a worksheet on canvas.
As post grad student you can take up to 50 books for 60 days, can renew them online twice.
Can talk to her (Jane Carroll) about research and she can add info and give search tips to get better results.
When you sign into your library account you can save searches and the items
Can make folders to organised saved items
Can go to Google scholar through the library page so you can access more and not have to pay for them.
Interloan - the library will find the book for you and bring it in, free to do. Library homepage, about, borrowing and requesting, Interloan, connect.
Reference throughout so that you aren't left with a mess at the end. Refworks and endnote help keep track of all the referencing.
Refworks is supported by the university! Connect through university page. Set up an account. Have YouTube videos to help work the site but there are workshops as well.
Can do workshops through uni library, library homepage, study, workshops.
Books can be suggested/recommend if they aren't in the library.
Health and Safety:
Full document on Canvas
Don't block entrances/ exits and hallways
Sharp/dangerous objects need safety cones, tape, rope. Are able to use them but it needs to be managed.
Trip hazards and dangerous materials
report any incidents to office.
resin and any other strong smelling/chemical can't be done in studio - room for it between the metal and wood workshops.
Auckland Art Gallery
Ann Shelton
Has MFA from Colombia uni
One of NZ's most well known photographers.
High scale photos
displaces narratives, urban mythologies connected to site
documentary photographic style and NZ national identity through film
Public places:
Finds places where events happened either in real life, movies or books then photographs the scene. Especially when the even included violence.
Goes by local knowledge and internet research.
problimising the way people see photos of places and make assumptions about them.
spectral evidence
how remains of an event can be found in 'empty' photographs. Not the even but the place where the event happened - she researches them then photographs them.
misinformation can become part of the work.
A library to scale:
Iraden idea - the idea of giving someone a new skin
shelves of books replicated to life size
empty shelf to represent that the project is on going/unfinished
Hitler Oak:
Hitler gave oak saplings to the gold medalists of an Olympic games and this project follows and photographs the (about) 40 that are findable.
she explained planting ceremonies and how some race didn't get that, and how some have had a tree replanted in its place because it died.
The City of Gold and Lead:
Only NZ suicide bomber in NZ (Neil Roberts) targeted the biggest computer which could track people digitally.
photos and collected evidence - signs marking the 30th anniversary.
recreated his final message with sparklers on the 30th anniversary.
double thinking - both believing and disbelieving at the same time.
installed the signs/work in the palce Roberts lived 6 months before the event - where he planned it!
She researches then goes to the place to photograph
just a photo of a place at first look but is loaded with meaning.
Exhibition: coloured walls - 'bruised' colours