29/3 log!
We started with a lecture - supervision changes:
Can ask for 1 on 1 meetings with other supervisors.
Can have a shared critical with another peer who has shared interests.
We can request to join/swap crits - outside own group.
I have asked to change to Tara’s group and spoke to her and she is happy to have me but I have to wait for official confirmation that I will get later this week!
I then introduced my project to the group (Jon’s) and these are the notes/the feedback:
Ranginui Walker - Ka Whawhai Tonu Mafou ‘struggle without Eud’ (really impt. Text on colonialism in NZ from Maori perspective)
Post colonialism modernism
Book: for indigenous eyes only - a decolonisation handbook
Tangata Whenua - illustrated book on colonization
Do readings on personal displacement
Jess holly bates - real fake white dirt, spoken word/poetry. Pakeha identity
Pasific panthers, Facebook page,people working against a colonial structure
Yinka Shonibare
Stuart Paul - cultural writer
Good concept of souvenirism
Conflict of a wealthy UK man travelling the world taking souvenirs and making them into a museum collection. Direct link to NZ.
Taking things vs things made specifically for taking away.
Concept of travel
Postcards and photos
Issues of migration and trading roots.
Finding out your heritage by sending in your DNA
Issue of NZ souvenirs made in china and sold in $2 store
Souvenirs becoming disposable - roots becoming disposable
Encourages hoarding - sentimental values
Bottles so sand to take away