Mid Year Report
Before the inter semester break we were asked to write a mid year report stating where we are, our issues, and our plans. Our Supervisor then wrote a response. We had a one on one meeting the first week back to discuss what each of us had written:
That I did a lot of research and extensive reading in semester one so semester two should have its main focus on making and planning presentations. "semester two will need to have a focus on cycles of production and evaluation."
I have reclaimed a spot in the studio (this time with my supervision group) which I am very happy about so I can bring more of my work into the studio.
I aimed to do some printmaking in the holidays but due to a family emergency I have been delayed. I will aim to have something made by the swap crits in week 3 and 4.
She agreed that writing about my experiences was a great way to talk about my identity (transnational narrative).
consider the colonial history of the Afrikaans language
I need to be more aware of my audience and present my work in a way that is easier for them to understand. The work needs to stand on its own
I said I should have a draft of my essay to her sometime next week so that can be a continuous work of improvement.
She then gave me some artists and readings to look further into.
We discussed presenting my work and decided that I would need an English side to it so that the audience could understand my work
We disscussed the posibility of presenting the English and Afrikaans facing each other - a face off
or on the opposite side having the back to back - which would be the front and which would be on the back?
How to hang it? present it? shape it?
include beads?