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Beaded Prototype:

The issues/questions that arose after I made a prototype:

  • What colour beads: I want to stay with neutral colours that look very similar to each other (silver, white, opal, pale pink) that are different enough to be noticed (so different events are recognized) but they still blend in together.

  • Size of beads? The beads need to be the same size across the colours so that all the strings are the same length.

  • How wide/long? fill the space? My Supervisor has suggested that I go all out or nothing: there is no point half arsing it. Make it a statement and up the scale so people actually pay attention to it.

  • What string is the strongest? There are 2 options: the first is waxed cotton which is usually used for intricate beading and can be knotted and glued for extra strength. Fish gut (on the other hand) is a lot stronger in itself but doesn't have the easibility of securing: I would need crimps and would have to make sure the beads don't run off it.

  • How to hang it up as a curtain: I used a rod but that won't be good enough for the final because it was quite a messy finish. I'm thinking of using a curtain rod but will have to experiment with that. It needs to be something that won't bend under weight but still looks presentable and that I can attach the bead strings onto.

  • The strings need to be long enough to fill between the top of the door frame and the floor, I might have to do 2 years on one string but then I might not be able to make it across the whole space... I need to find a good equilibrium between height and width and that might be up to the size of the beads I use. I need to go measure my new space and see what size beads I can buy that best suit the space.

Next steps:

1) measure the space I have

2) plan the curtain by researching the beads I am able to buy (size and colour) and counting how many beads I need for each string of life (OUMA)

3) buy the beads

4) research different ways (the technicalities) of bead curtains and how they are hung up

5) experiment with the different strings to see which is more steady in strength and fixing

6) start making the strings!

beads I am considering:

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