Taonga, marae, whenua - negotiating custodianship: a Maori tribal response to Te Papa: the Museum of
Paul Tapsell. “Taonga, marae, whenua - negotiating custodianship: a Maori tribal response to Te Papa: the Museum of New Zealand”...
15/3/2017 Log (Ethics, Library, Health and safety, Ann Shelton talk)
Research ethics and practice led artistic research (lecture 9am- 10am) Tunnel it in for academic integrity - makes sure no plagerism If...
Auckland’s centrepiece: unsettled identities, unstable monuments. Leonard Bell
Leonard Bell. “Auckland’s centrepiece: unsettled identities, unstable monuments.” Rethinking settler colonialism: History and memory in...
My Proposal:
Identify the core conceptual and critical area in which you are working Last year I stumbled across the Huia bird in my research and...
Original Mind Map
This is a picture of my initial mind map: The main issue I want to overcome is to place myself within New Zealand where I physically live...
8/03/2017 Log - starting new
Today was the first lecture we had as a group for Fine Arts Honors! There was a lot of information given to us, most of which is on a...